Tympanoplasty / Mastoidectomy Care

Advice on how to care for your child...

In this section we cover the essentials of how to care for your child after a tympanoplasty or mastoidectomy. We discuss what to expect, how to deal with pain, dressings, permitted activities and when you should call the doctor.


What can I expect after a tympanoplasty or mastoidectomy?

  • Your child may have some bloody drainage form the ear itself or the area behind the ear.
  • Your child will experience some decreased hearing following the surgery due to dissolvable packing, ointment or blood in the ear canal. This usually improves gradually over the next 1-2 months. Depending upon the extent of your child’s surgery a second procedure may be required to improve hearing.
  • Low-grade fevers are common after surgery. Your child may run a fever for several days after surgery.  If the fever remains over 102 and is not improving 30-45 minutes after ibuprofen (Motrin) or Lortab (pain medication) please call the office. It is important that children drink plenty of fluids after surgery.  This will not only make them feel better, but will reduce the chance of fevers.
  • Your child may experience ringing in the operated ear, and/or numbness behind the ear for 3-6 months.

What should I do if my child has pain?

  • Your child may have pain inside or behind the ear for about 5 days. Ibuprofen (Motrin) or Lortab should be given for pain. If your doctor prescribes pain medication, please be aware that most pain medications also contain Acetaminophen (Tylenol). You should not give pain medication and Tylenol to your child in the same 4-hour period. Do not use aspirin products as these can increase the chance of bleeding after surgery.

Will my child have a dressing?

  • Gauze Pad: your child can wear a gauze pad under the nose to collect drainage as needed for the first couple of days.
  • Your child may have an elastic headband that is secured over the ear. The headband should be removed completely after 1 day and left off. Call the doctor if bleeding from the ear soaks more than one bandage.
  • There will probably be some yellow or bloody drainage from the ear for a day or two after the surgery. Your child may have a cotton ball placed in the ear canal. During the next few days, you can change the cotton ball when it gets bloody. You should coat the cotton ball with Vaseline prior to placing it in the ear.
  • Do not touch or remove any ear packing, as your doctor will remove this. If the packing starts to come out of the ear canal, DO NOT attempt to push the packing back into the ear canal.

When can my child begin normal activity?

  • Your child may resume normal activities around the home as soon as they feel up to it.
  • Quiet activities for 7 days. School can be started in 3 days if patient feels well. No sustained physical activity (sports, running, heavy lifting, swimming, P.E. class, bounce houses, trampolines, etc…) for 7 days after surgery. If your child underwent reconstruction of the middle ear bones (ossicles), your surgeon may require a much long period of time without sports (sustained activities).
  • If there is an incision behind the ear it should be kept dry for the first 3 days after surgery.
  • The ear canal and contents of the ear canal should be kept dry for 8 weeks after surgery. No swimming.
  • An ear plug should NOT be used; this will push pressure down the ear canal and disrupt the surgical repair of the ear drum. To keep water out of the ear during bathes and showers, coat an entire cotton ball with Vaseline and place in the bowl shaped part of the ear. Then hold a sandwich bag over the cotton ball and ear while washing the hair.
  • No flying or trips that involve a significant change of elevation for 8 weeks after surgery.

When should I call the doctor?

  • If your child has excessive bleeding from the ear canal, or from the incision behind the ear.
  • If our child has continued dizziness, nausea and vomiting longer than 1 day after surgery.
  • If your child has pus-like or foul smelling ear drainage.

How can I reach the doctor after hours?

  • There is a doctor on call 24 hours.  If you need to reach us, please call the office number on 972-745-8400 or 817-337-3339.

For confidential online communications with our office, all clients should contact us through our Patient Portal provider at MyHealthRecord. All content provided on our www.entforchildren.net website is designed for general information and educational purposes only. If you are concerned about the health of a child, please consult ENT for Children for an appointment immediately. MyHealthRecord provides secure protection for your private and personal medical information on our behalf. We do not store any of your personal or private medical information on our www.entforchildren.net website.